Jan 24, 2009

Gran Torino

Last weekend, we ventured out into the cold to watch this movie Gran Torino . . . I won't lie - I heard Clint Eastwood and assumed this was a guy's action flick . . . I dutifully went along determined to enjoy it.

I should have had a clue when I mentioned to Sabrina that we were going to see it and she squealed, I LOVED this movie. You'll like it. Uh . . . ok.

Oh my goodness, it is not a typical Clint Eastwood film. This was a fantastic movie. I'm really digging these plots that intertwine our culture with others - that demonstrate the obvious differences and then, in unpredictable ways prove we are all truly the same inside . . . trying to love our families, live peacefully, love our God, reach our goals and can help one another along the way.

I don't really follow the awards scene, but I cannot imagine that Clint Eastwood wouldn't be receiving recognition for this one!

Hint . . . I bawled in the theatre at the end of this one! Never saw it coming.

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