Jun 6, 2008

Jamie Graduated High School Tonight!

Those who know me . . . will realize that this was an emotional night for me . . . mostly I feel awe and pride, but with a twinge of worry and concern for his future . . . Jamie truly EARNED this diploma. It was more than just going through the motions, one foot in front of another like it is for most teenagers. Jamie has struggled through so much this last year of high school - but with courage and perseverence, he did it!!

We are all exhausted . . . so I'm only posting a few from the event . . . but he's already placed his diploma in a frame and hung it on his bedroom wall.

Jun 5, 2008

Backyard Bunnies . . .

So Jamie mowed the grass the other day . . . no, that's not the amazing part . . . and while walking in the low grass I spot a hole, as I peer inside - AN EYE is peering back at me!!

There is a baby bunny tucked into the hole!

We've been seeing this huge rabbit in the backyard lately . . . just didn't realize that it had deposited a baby or babies into a hole in the center of the yard!

Jun 4, 2008

I started ANOTHER new blog . . .

The new blog is for Lori Musser Photography and will focus on photog business and clients. But I want to share with family and friends too!!

If you want to visit the new blog directly or bookmark it . . . clickity click click here!

Today I photographed 12 week old Haley - Melissa's beautiful daughter. Here are my favorites:

Yesterday I photography Michael - Heather's super funny son who is two and about to turn three. Here are my favorites:

Jun 3, 2008

A New Website - Lori Musser Photography

WOOHOO!! I'm super excited to announce that I am now taking photography clients for children and high school seniors. Check out the website here! (It's easy to remember - http://www.lorimusser.com/)

A secret for friends and family . . . while I'm continuing to build my gallery . . . I'll cut you a serious break on pricing . . . so just ask! Your child's photo may end up on the website cover!

Do you know someone with children or a high school senior? Feel free to email them a link to the website!!

Jun 2, 2008

The Biggest Compliment EVER!!

Yesterday, I gave this photo to Lily's mom . . . her hand went to her mouth . . . she gasped . . . and cried.

How special to see one of my photograph's touch someone that way! Thanks Pam - you made my day!!

June's Surprise Birthday Party . . .

Yesterday June's family and friends spent the afternoon together to celebrate her 70th birthday . . .

she was pretty overwhelmed when she first walked in . . .

We enjoyed great food . . .

a rolling slide show chronicaling her life . . . cake . . .

gag gifts . . . and just what every party needs . . . KARAOKE!

Thank you for including me and providing the opportunity to take photos . . .