Feb 16, 2008

Pretty in Pink . . .

My sweet neice is having a baby girl . . . YEAH . . . after three boys! As a mom of two boys myself, this is the only chance I get to shop for little girl clothing so I savor these opportunities!

The package looks so pretty, white and pink . . .

Feb 12, 2008


Woohoo - No ice (yet), but REAL SNOW - the fluffly kind! School was cancelled, so I got to sleep in late in that drowsy, drift back off sort of way . . .

Snow days always make me very domestic . . . I made Bradley's favorite dinner of meatloaf, the creamiest mash potatoes and green beans and even backed a peach crisp for dessert. All this after cleaning the refridgerator and closets . . . yeah, very domestic!
Jamie is off with the fire department battling a house fire. He's been gone for a couple hours now, so I'm sure he'll appreciate the hot meal when he gets home. Poor thing . . . I bet he's frozen!
What do you do on a snow day?

Feb 11, 2008

Now THIS is profound!

We must be willing to get rid of the life we had planned
so as to have the life that was waiting for us.
- Joseph Campbell
But wait . . . how do I know what the difference is? How do I know when the life I had planned really isn't going to happen and should be aborted so as to jog in the different direction?
Yup . . . these are the kinds of thoughts provoked by quotes like this . . . for me.

Life's Simple Pleasures . . .

I can take EXTREME pleasures in some small, odd things.

pretty pajamas . . .

fancy pillows on the bed . . .

my handmade chocolate dipped and decorated pretzels . . .

lampshades with beads . . .

girly magazines . . .

. . . others include the smell of mowed grass, candles that smell like baked goods, pink, the sunny spot on the floor, black and white together, cold green tea, pretty paper, falling back asleep in the morning, snow days, new eyeliner, the smell of a fresh washed baby, fresh batteries, thick cut Delmonico with melted gorgonzola, really hot showers, vintage clothing, Jamie's laugh, flocked wallpaper in paisley patterns, words as art, profound quotes, newness, black and white photographs, Bradley's smile, and so much more . . .