So I've gone nuts, literally OBSESSED, with the online scrapping challenges. My favorite right now is the forum challenges. I've completed about 70% of this month's challenges so far.
I'll admit it - I love when people ooh and ahh over my layouts. I'm sure they say nice things about everyone's layouts, but it motivates me! I think this is partly why I enjoy baking and cooking so much. I like to watch people eat my food and enjoy it.
Tonight I created this super cool layout based on an ad challenge. If you aren't familiar with these . . . they show you a picture of a magazine ad and then you have to create a scrap layout that is similar. You don't have to make it identical, but pull the design elements into the page. Here is an example of the finished page I did:

This layout was created based on a challenge to use a freebie mini kit.

Of course, the galleries at this site are INCREDIBLE!! Such talented work!
Night all,