Sep 17, 2007

In my next life . . .

I say this often . . . what I mean is . . . I know I only have so much time in this life to play and learn and create just for the pleasure of it. There are just so many things I want to try and do and learn about, but realistically I don't have that much life left! No, I'm not dying . . . my mind's interest is just that vast!

In my next life, I would love to . . .

  • open a small, lunch only restaurant

  • learn to knit and actually make things

  • create art seriously and have gallery showings

  • write a book (ok, I have NOT totally ruled this out in this life yet)

  • go to college again and this time major in art, literature, photography AND web design - yes, all separately and individually!

  • develop a free battered women's bodyguard program

  • raise seeing eye dogs

  • own a goat farm and make cheese from their milk

  • open an antique store

  • be a motivational speaker or life coach

  • create a magazine - oh yeah, there is a variety of topics to pick from!

  • be a school art teacher

  • design clothing - preferably for kids
  • Make a film or documentary

Ok, there are way more, but that's enough for today.

If time, money and talent were no issue . . . what would you want to do?
