Feb 12, 2008


Woohoo - No ice (yet), but REAL SNOW - the fluffly kind! School was cancelled, so I got to sleep in late in that drowsy, drift back off sort of way . . .

Snow days always make me very domestic . . . I made Bradley's favorite dinner of meatloaf, the creamiest mash potatoes and green beans and even backed a peach crisp for dessert. All this after cleaning the refridgerator and closets . . . yeah, very domestic!
Jamie is off with the fire department battling a house fire. He's been gone for a couple hours now, so I'm sure he'll appreciate the hot meal when he gets home. Poor thing . . . I bet he's frozen!
What do you do on a snow day?

1 comment:

jenn- said...

I hope Jamie gets home safely from the fire. That food looks so yummy, but definitely not on my diet..lol. Comin' through on the DST ChooChoo!