Oct 15, 2008

Knox is turning 13 weeks old . . .

and as of yesterday weighs 30.8 pounds!

Some new photos . . .

1 comment:

LuvMyRotties said...

Great pictures of Knox. Bear and Lacey were at the vet today for checkups and shots. Bear weighs 34.9 pounds and our little Miss Lacey is petite at 25.4 pounds. Bear is the timid one, Lacey is the barker when something doesn't suit her.... ha ha We got Maddox back a month ago (LONG STORY), he was the one with the green collar. He went to his new home today to live with my stepdaughter. He weighs 33.8 pounds. They all are so cute and getting bigger every week. I will have to send you some pics of them. Tell Knox his brothers and sister and mommy say hello!!